Type alias StructuredOutputMethodParams<RunOutput, IncludeRaw>

StructuredOutputMethodParams<RunOutput, IncludeRaw>: {
    schema: z.ZodType<RunOutput> | Record<string, any>;
    includeRaw?: IncludeRaw;
    method?: "functionCalling" | "jsonMode";
    name?: string;

Type Parameters

  • RunOutput

  • IncludeRaw extends boolean = false

Type declaration

  • schema: z.ZodType<RunOutput> | Record<string, any>

    ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

    Pass schema in as the first argument

    This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

    It is not recommended for use.

  • Optional includeRaw?: IncludeRaw
  • Optional method?: "functionCalling" | "jsonMode"
  • Optional name?: string


Use StructuredOutputMethodOptions instead

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